The English version is written below the Japanese text. If you need anything else, feel free to ask!手元にある商品です。本日発送いたします。This item is in stock and ready to ship.I will ship it today!#POPMART#LABUBU#figure#THEMONSTERS#FALLINWILD#ぬいぐるみ40cm#ポップマート#ラブブ#フィギュア
The English version is written below the Japanese text. If you need anything else, feel free to ask!手元にある商品です。本日発送いたします。This item is in stock and ready to ship.I will ship it today!#POPMART#LABUBU#figure#THEMONSTERS#FALLINWILD#ぬいぐるみ40cm#ポップマート#ラブブ#フィギュア
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